Apple Time in Upstate New York is a great time to visit!
Yum it’s time for the Apples in Upstate New York!
My favorite time of the year in my hometown…..Apple season!! For Rochester and the surrounding areas of New York, apple picking season gets going in September and its spectacular!
It brings back memories for me of visiting my Nana and Papa’s home and running across the country road and picking an apple off the tree whenever I wanted one. Okay so I was trespassing a little bit, but it was so worth it! Also watching the huge trucks driving down the roads with the crates filled to the brim with apples. Running and playing hide and sneak between the apple trees. Just like a visual memory the smell of an apple orchard will always stay with you.
All Different kinds of Apples are harvested in New York
Honey crisp is a favorite of many, as well as mine. Crispy and sweet! Empires are an old time favorite love them cold, crisp and the juice just runs down your chin. But there are many to choose from in New York. To name a few more you have: Braeburn, Ida Red, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Cameo, Crispin, Fortune, Fuji, Ginger Gold, Jonagold, Jonamac, Mcintosh, Rome, Rubyfrost, Snapdragon, 20 ounce, Cortland, Gala, JerseyMac, Macoun, PaulaRed, Zestar, AceyMac, Baldwin, Monroe, Golden Russet, Golden Supreme, Johnathan, Lady, Liberty, Lodi, Spigold, Rhode Island Greening, Yellow Transparent, Tydeman, Stayman, Winesap, Pound Sweet, Northern Spy, Newtown Pippin and probably more! You have to wonder how did they come up with some of these names! To find more information and history check out the New York State Apple Country web site.
As you can see with this hard worker, most apples are still picked by hand.
There is a beautiful view of Lake Ontario in this photograph I took, another favorite part for me! Clark Brownell apple orchards have delicious tasting apples of all kinds, they are located in Williamson New York.
** If you head over to Niagara Falls, only about an hour and a half away from Rochester, check out the Best Views of Niagara Falls
The Apples lead to more fun!
Locals know how to make the most of their fall before the very cold and snowy season shows up. In addition to the apples, there are festivals, craft shows hayrides on the weekends, cider tastings, “pick your own apple” outings and a good time to explore the local farm markets. A must is trying a fried cake, plain or frosted they are the best!
My favorite farm market
Schutt’s is where I have gone since I was little to get our apples, fried cakes, jams, candy and everything else you can imagine. Located near Webster it has been around since 1918. I order apples to be sent directly to me since I live in Florida now. They arrive perfect every time. In my opinion, their fried cakes are the best…they melt in your mouth!
An Apple a day keeps the doctor away
Did you know this may actually be true? Here is why:
- Apples contains vitamin C which helps with your immune system
- Apples contain phenols that help with lowering cholesterol
- Quercetin found in apples can help protect brain cells against Alzheimer’s and other brain diseases.
- Tooth decay can also be reduced by apples, it kills bacteria and cleans your teeth.
Therefore, if you ever find your way up to this part of New York you won’t be disappointed. There is a lot to see and do. Fall is a wonderful time to visit. Not only will you see beautiful Fall foliage but you will have the best apples and cider you can find!