Be An Adventure Seeker While Traveling … I DARE YOU
Be An Adventure Seeker While Traveling ... I Dare you!
There are all different types of travelers; some for the history, the nature, the art. But then there are those that dive, jump, ride, fly into the adventure of traveling all over the world. They are the Adventure seekers. The adventure seeker travels with a gusto and absorbs everything they can when they travel. Including some very I dare you excursions. I have been wanting to do a post on the crazy, exhilarating, adrenaline grabbing experiences of the adventure seeker. They inspire me to do more adventure travel. Kevin and I have just been adding some Dare You experiences to our own travels, Zip lining in Hawaii and Hot Air ballooning in Quebec. Even my 80 year old Mother has done some Falconry in Ireland and dog sledding in Lake Louise Canada .
To become and Adventure Seeker while traveling you just need to try anything out of your comfort zone. Do something you never have done before or thought you would do! As you continue to read and watch from fellow travel bloggers…Kevin and I have a long way to go to catch up with these adventure seekers, how about you?
Here is a video to help bring that Adventure Seeker in you to the surface
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I dare you to… Sky Jump In New Zealand
Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Sky jumping in New ZealandNew Zealand is a place rife with adrenaline junkie attractions – mountain climbing, adventure hikes, skydiving, bungee jumping – you name it. The capital, Auckland, might seem like a normal city – but if you look at the skyline, you’ll see a tower. And if you look even closer, you’ll see people jumping from it!
The Sky Jump at Auckland’s Sky Tower is New Zealand’s highest and it’s the only base jump by wire. If you’re up for an adrenaline rush, put this attraction at the top of your list if you visit!
It sounds completely crazy. You go to the top of Sky Tower, get suited up in the flight suit that they provide, and attach the cable to a harness around your body.
Then, you know – JUMP 192 meters and hope the cable doesn’t snap!
Sure, you have to be a little crazy to do this! But it’s the one thing in Auckland that, if you muster up the courage to do it, you’ll remember it for the rest of your life.
Submitted by: Halef at The Round The World Guys
I dare you to… Shark Cage Dive In South Africa

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker in Shark Cage diving in South Africa
For some, jumping into a cage to get up and personal with a potential killer would be the stuff of nightmares; granted it’s not for everyone. However, I have a thing for sharks so it was a no brainer for me especially as I was in South Africa. One of the top places in the World to see the Great Whites is in South Africa.
Seals make up the main diet of the sharks and Great Whites congregate here due to 40,000 strong population of Cape Fur Seals on nearby Geyser Island.
There are loads of companies offering shark tours although my objective was to choose a company which was ethical, educational and worked towards Shark Conservation. Once on the boat, the marine biologist on board explained the behaviour of the sharks and what to look out for (e.g. bite marks on the tails of female sharks from mating. At no point did I feel nervous about getting in the submerged cage with a deadly creature on the other side of the bars.
If getting into the water isn’t your thing then the viewing from on top of the deck was equally as outstanding. This experience was one of my highlights while in South Africa. I would certainly recommend it to anyone with an interest in marine life.
Submitted by: Becki at Backpack Becki
I dare you to… Drive Yourself Across Africa

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seekers Driving across Africa by car
One of the most adventurous things we have ever done was buy a car in South Africa and tackle the African continent ourselves. The idea came to us one day while we were sitting in Cape Town. We were yearning to travel more of Africa, but didn’t want to do a tour and weren’t feeling public transport. The only option left was to get our own set of wheels.
We were looking for something heavy duty, a four wheel drive, and affordable. Honestly we didn’t know what we were doing, but we took out $4000 to buy a 1989 Land Cruiser that we fell in love one. We had two days from there to fully equip it for camping across Africa. The feeling we had when we bought the car was excitement for the adventure and also nervousness because we were in over our heads.
Thankfully, we managed to travel to 14 African nations over the course of a year thanks to our purchase. It’s a decision we will never regret and we have many memories to think back on.
Submitted by: Natasha and Cameron at The World Pursuit
I dare you to… Raft on the Zambezi in Zimbabwe

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seekers Rafting on the Zambezi River
We hadn’t planned going rafting on the Zambezi in Zimbabwe but once there we decided to give it a shot.
On the raft, the guide gave us some cursory instruction insisting that we DO NOT LET GO of the raft no matter what or we would be swept away. After about an hour of pretty rough rafting, we approached what the guide told us were level 6 rapids which are illegal in most places. We braced ourselves. I often relive the next few seconds in my mind.
It always happens in slow motion. The raft began to lift from the front until it had to tip over. I was furiously holding on to the rope but the raft was falling in a direction that I knew would break my arm if I didn’t let go. But the guide had said whatever happens YOU CANNOT LET GO. In the milliseconds it took for this to happen I weighed my options; if I broke the cardinal rule and let go I might drown. But if I continued to hold on my arm would break, I wouldn’t be able to swim with a broken arm and would definitely drown.
I let go. Everything went fast forward. Immediately I was swept into a whirlpool and sucked underwater. My shoes and watch were torn away. I kicked furiously trying to reach the surface where I saw light but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t reach it. The whirlpool was too strong. I began to think that if I didn’t reach the surface within the next few seconds I wasn’t going to make it. I remember being sad at this realization. Suddenly I broke the surface and a fellow rafter grabbed my hand leading me to the raft. That was the scariest experience of my life. And yes, I would do it again.
Submitted by: Talek at Travels With Talek
I dare you to… Paraglide in Costa Adeje, Tenerife

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seekers Paragliding in Costa Adeje, Tenerife
I agreed to a paraglide after a couple of glasses of wine and a dare thrown across the table. I never thought we’d actually do it. We got to the launch place high on a hillside in Costa Adeje, Tenerife and were kitted up. The lines of the chute were laid out behind us and the beach and tiny box-like buildings lay far below us. Nervous? You bet.
It was a tandem glide and my ‘driver’ instructed me to start running down the hillside towards the edge. We started slowly, gathered speed, and as we ran the ground disappeared from beneath our feet. Our chute caught the breeze, I caught my breath, and we were gently lifted into the air. I was flying high with a bird’s eye view of the land far below. It was exhilarating but peaceful and calm at the same time. I felt like a bird for around ten minutes before we gently drifted towards the beach. We landed on our feet in front of a packed beach bar to a round of applause. Would I do it again? Most definitely.
Submitted by: Suzanne at The Travel Bunny
I dare you to… Ice Climb in New Zealand

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Ice climbing New Zealand
If you have never gone ice climbing before, like most people, you need no experience when you go to Fox Glacier in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. They teach you all you need to know to get climbing up ice walls with axes in your hand and crampons on your feet. I made a last-minute decision to go because I love unique experiences, especially ones that get my adrenaline pumping and involve mountains. I don’t regret my decision at all. It was one of the coolest experiences I have ever done. It was easy to learn and so fun climbing up big glacier walls and out of a deep crevasse. I couldn’t stop smiling even though I felt exhausted afterwards.
Submitted by: Dave at Dave On A Arrival
I dare you to… Walk the Camino de Santiago Solo

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Walking the Camino de Santiago as a solo woman
I had my eye set on doing the Camino de Santiago trek across northern Spain for quite some time before actually getting the courage to do it (I was living in Barcelona for a few years at the time so it wasn’t too far away). Many people do the Camino de Santiago for personal growth, to find answers to their lifelong questions, for spiritual reasons, or just for the adventure and camaraderie. At the time I was very confused about my next steps in life so I knew I wanted to tackle this challenge alone. I’m so glad I did.
I am an avid hiker and outdoorsman, but trekking over the Pyrenees through forests and villages by myself in a country that’s not my own was daunting. I walked for seven hours a day. Usually over 22 kilometers through old medieval towns, along gentle streams, past herds of livestock, and through vineyards as far as the eye could see. Also, I was able to taste some local specialties and learn what life was like for Spaniards living outside the large cities.
The hikers I met on the trail were from all corners of the globe and incredible, generous people who made the trek even that much better. It was definitely tough on the body and sleeping in an albergue with 10 or 20 strangers wasn’t easy either, but it was a truly unforgettable experience I will cherish forever.
Submitted by: Kalena at Lost and Abroad
I dare you to … Ride in a Hot Air Balloon in Cappadocia

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker in Hot Air Balloon over Cappadocia, Turkey
“Watching the fairy chimneys of Cappadocia light up slowly as the sun rises? Incredible.
Doing it while floating gently in a hot air balloon high above the landscape? Majestic.
We had long dreamed of our first hot air balloon ride when we finally made it to Cappadocia. We couldn’t have picked a better place for our first ride: the views were magnificent. The sheer number of balloons that go up in Cappadocia each day (more than 100!) means that the view of the balloons themselves lighting up the sky with their bright colors also adds to the experience.
Our morning flying high above Cappadocia–topped off with a champagne toast–was so magnificent that I even forgot how terrified of heights I am while floating through the sky… after the first few minutes, anyway.
Submitted by: Kate at Our Escape Clause
I dare you to… Visit the Mursi in Ethiopia

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Meeting the Mursi people of Ethiopia
When thinking about ethnic groups in Africa, you might have this one image in mind: women with painted faces and lip plates, right? Well, they do exist and they live in the very South of Ethiopia. We went to visit them on a roadtrip through the country as we wanted to see how this traditional groups are living. Hence, we drove South, collected an armed security guard on the way and went to the Mursi village.
Visiting a secluded ethnic group always bears mixed feelings: on the one hand it is super interesting to see this kind of life, on the other hand you kind of feel like entering a human zoo. Once tourists arrive, the women will put the plate into their lips and will pose for photos, for which they ask money. However, we did learn a lot during that visit and captured our moments in order to write about the pros and cons on visiting the Mursi in Ethiopia.
Submitted by: Clemons at Travellers Archive
I dare you to… Climb the O2 in London

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Climbing the O2 in London
I climbed The O2 arena in London and you can too! The Up at The O2 Experience allows visitors to walk on a path suspended 2 meters above the O2. They provide you with all the gear you need including a safety harness. At the top, 52 meters high, you have time to take in 360-degree views of London and even enjoy a glass of bubbly if you like.
I had never done anything like climbing The O2. It was definitely outside my comfort zone. I was nervous about being so high up, but reassured myself with the harness it was completely safe. Physically it was demanding too, as the beginning and the end of the climb were steep. When I completed the climb, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment and a little bit of relief!
Submitted by: Anisa at Two Traveling Texans
I dare you to… Swim with Salmon

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Swimming with the Salmon
I have a bit of fear of white water. While I’ve been out of my comfort zone and gone whitewater rafting a few times, I decided I was done after flipping and going underwater for longer than I would of liked on the Nile River in Uganda. I’m not sure what encouraged me, at the age of 42, to decide to snorkel down rapids to swim with salmon.
Destiny River Adventures runs this trip in the Campbell River on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. For a few months each year, you can don a wet suit and shoot down the river. Swimming just doesn’t work as the flow of the river will overpower even the most experienced swimmer. So, as I flowed down the river, Pink and huge Chinook Salmon darted by. If this wasn’t enough, I saw a large dark figure on the river bank and when I popped my head out of the water, discovered it was a big, male black bear scooping up his salmon breakfast.
At first I was scared, but then decided to just “go with the flow”. After 45 minutes in the nearly freezing water, I was happy to get into warm clothes and have some hot chocolate.
Submitted by: Lisa at The Hot Flash Packer
I dare you to… Zipline into the Cenotes

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seekers Zip lining into the Cenotes
We recently visited the Cenotes in Mexico as part of our Carnival Cruise. I had been warned what to expect at the Cenotes and that it may require ziplining and dropping from a height into the middle of the Cenotes. What I didn’t realise is that the drop was a lot higher than what it looked but luckily I sent my 3 kids out first to test it for me!!
The little two aged 10 & 8 zipped straight out and dropped into the Cenote, i looked a the drop and thought to myself that I had over committed but the kids had set the bar high and mum wasn’t about to let the team down. That’s when my oldest went out and just…. hung there! Once your out there, you have no choice but to drop and watching her was painful as she hung there until she couldn’t hang on any longer and then pin dropped straight in.
That left me, mum! I had to put my big girl undies on and get up there. It wasn’t until I got to the middle of the Cenote that I thought ‘why did I commit to this’! I knew there was no backing out, I took a deep breath counted to 5, shut my eyes and dropped in! Feeling exhilarated and full of adrenaline, the kids asked if I was having another go, they got a very prompt, no thanks, once is enough.
Submitted by: Sally at Our3kidsVtheWorld
I dare you to… Microlight over Victoria Falls

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Microlighting over Victoria Falls
One of the most adventurous activities I have participated in is flying over Victoria Falls on a microlight. A microlight is a super-light aircraft that is a basically a hand glider with a motor. For an exciting 15 or 30 minutes, you experience the falls up close while flying like a bird through “the smoke”. Although I am not afraid of heights or small planes, the experience was a bit scary because the aircraft is open and I did not want to fall out! But mostly it was exhilarating. Not only was this a thrilling experience but it was a great way to get unobstructed views and see the magnitude of Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls is located at the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia. However, microlight flights are only available from the Zambia side.
Submitted by: Patti at The Savvy Globetrotter
I dare you to… Bike down a 14,000 ft Mountain

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Biking down hill in Colorado Mountains
While on a freelance travel writing assignment to cover outdoor adventure activities in Colorado, I took my family to the summit of Pike’s Peak – to bicycle down the 14,000+ foot mountain! Although our tour permitted us to cycle down the large paved road with visitors’ automobiles, flying down the steep and winding declines equally delighted and terrified because there were no guard rails. The morning began tentatively with incredibly open vistas as we whipped through the frigid morning mountain air,. Our confidence continued to grow as we cycled down past the tree line. The group became more daring, racing through turns with deep banks and lessening the grip on their disc brakes. This exhilarating high-speed bicycle descent was incredibly freeing. We unanimously voted this tour our favorite outdoor Colorado activity.
Submitted by: Alison at Up&AtEm Travel
I dare you to… Jet Ski through Malaysia

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seekers Jen and Stevo Jet Sking in Malaysia
A huge highlight of our time in Langkawi, Malaysia was island hopping on jet skis! Seeing some of the 99 islands up close gives them a certain majesty that pictures can’t contain. The turquoise blue ocean, the black rocks and the green jungle islands blend together to create gorgeous art, a feast for your eyes and senses. We loved the feeling of racing across the top of the ocean with the wind whipping by, laughing like maniacs. We recommend going with Mega Water Sports because of their commitment to being eco-conscious by using only the top of the line jet skis with low emissions. Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the ocean and nature in beautiful Langkawi, Malaysia. And go, like, really fast.
Submitted by: Jen and Stevo at Two Can Travel
I dare you to… Eat Insects in Thailand!

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Eating Insects in Thailand
Insects are in fact normal in many parts in Thailand, admittedly more popular with the older generations, where they happily munch on them like a big bag of Doritos. They often taste “Man man, khem khem”, which in Thai means salty and crispy, and, like crisps, you can even buy them seasoned and packaged now in the local 7-11s in Thailand. Which makes for an easier introduction to these rather extreme snacks.
But my first introduction to eating bugs in Thailand was at a shabby street food cart. I bought a delicious “Maeng Da” water beetle, simply because it was the biggest, and most grotesque snack in the stall (a bit like a massive cockroach). So I was all in. Until a liquid of its gooey insides rushed into my mouth on the first bite, and I dropped it on the ground. But these days I spend much of my time in rural Thailand, where insects are found almost daily in cuisine. And I have been given the opportunity to eat many weird and wonderful foods such as fried insects, red ant egg salads, and silkworm stir fires. But admittedly they are always more palatable when cooked and presented in a more palatable way.
Submitted by: Allan at Live Less Ordinary
I dare you to… Hike Angel’s Landing with Chains

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Hiking to Angle’s Landing
One of the most daring and adventurous things I’ve done is the terrifying Angel’s Landing hike in Zion National Park in the Southwestern USA (Utah, to be precise). This hike is not for people who are afraid of heights, as the top portion of the Angel’s Landing hike is made up of rocks connected together b y chains that you have to pull yourself up using — with sheer, 1,000+ foot drops on either side of you! I did it because I wanted to challenge myself to get better at hiking and address my fear of heights. I definitely succeeded on both counts, as no heights seem that scary after hauling myself up on the chains to reach Angel’s Landing!
When I reached the top I felt both exhausted and ecstatic — especially because I had completed the hike in two hours roundtrip in 90F degree heat! It is a serious hike, so come prepared with proper footwear (hiking boots or sneakers and comfortable clothing).
Submitted by: Allison at Eternal Arrival
I dare you to… Bungee Jump in Peru

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Bungee Jumping in Peru
During my one year travels in South America, I’ve done all sorts of extreme activity; skydiving, hang-gliding, cliff jumping, paragliding… you name it.
But the one thing that remained on my bucket list – and the one I’m most afraid of – was bungee jumping. I knew I had to conquer this fear and strike it off my bucket list.
So when I arrived in Cusco, Peru, I found out that it is possible to do bungee jumping as a day trip from Cusco, I immediately signed up for it with Action Valley.
This happens to be the highest bungee jump in South America (at 120m), and the platform sure took its time to rise. That 3 or 5 min in the platform was the most nervous and scary moment in my life. But the instructors did a good job keeping me occupied and my mind off backing out.
Once at the top, I leaped off the platform immediately because I knew the longer I stood there thinking, the more frightening it would become.
The first few seconds felt as if my heart jumped into my throat. It was extreme fear that soon turned into excitement during the free fall, then my heart skipped a beat again when I rebounded for a second drop. Finally, I hung upside down hundreds of meters in the sky waiting to be lowered and trying to take everything in – that I stroke off the number 1 on my bucket list in just a few seconds.
And now, I dare you to bungee jump too!
Submitted by: Owen at My Turn To Travel
I dare you to… Drive a Rickshaw Across India

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Driving a Rickshaw across India
The motorized Rickshaw Challenge is designed by The Travel Scientists. Over the span of ten days I, along with my two female teammates, drove a motorized rickshaw over 1,200 km across India. During this time, not only was the driving in India a challenge, all sixteen teams also had to complete other challenges like finding out the specific age of a certain elephant. It was my first time in India and it was very interesting how parts of the country are so poor and dirty and other parts were clean and beautiful.
I participated in the challenge for two reasons. First, to raise funds and awareness for orphanages in India. Second, I thought it was a chance to have an adventure of a lifetime and it certainly was. At first, I was nervous driving but it became so much fun. I am so happy I got out of my comfort zone and went. It is a time I will never forget. Between challenges, mechanical breakdowns, and illness, I am proud to say I am part of the 2016 Rickshaw Challenge World Champions team.
I dare you to… Swim with Humpback Whales

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Swimming with Humpback Whales in Tonga
Swimming with humpback whales in Tonga is one of the most incredible wildlife encounters I have ever been a part of and one of the best things to do in Tonga. The experience involves jumping in the water with snorkel and fin. When a whale is spotted and simply swimming with them in the open waters. Humpback whales come up to the warmer waters of Tonga in the summer months to breed. It is common to spot mother and calf in the wild swimming during the season. There are very few tourists doing that so you will likely be by yourself or with a couple of other groups maximum
Submitted by: Mar at Once In A Lifetime Journey
I dare you to… Hike with Kids in the Himalayas

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Hiking the Himalayas with their Kids
I’ll be honest, I was a little nervous about trekking to Poon Hill in the Himalayas with kids. Our boys were just 2 and 4 years old, and aside from the odd afternoon afternoon stroll in the hills, we weren’t quite yet hardcore hikers. However, the jagged untouched peaks of the Himalayas holds a powerful allure over us, and whilst we were living in India, the Nepalese Himalaya were too close to miss. So with a bucket load of unfounded confidence we set off on a 5 day trek to the Himalayas.
We hired porters to carry the boys in dokos (like baskets) for when they got tired and us parents purchased some hiking sticks to aid us with all the steep steps. Watching my boys run up to the summit of Poon Hill at 3210 meters is perhaps one of my proudest moments ever; we had taken it super slowly and there were completely unfazed by the altitude. It was tough going at times, but perhaps the biggest highlight of our family travel adventures so far!
Submitted by: Jenny at TraveLynnFamily
I dare you to… Swim in Devil’s Pool

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Swimming in Devils Pool at Victoria Falls
Described as the world’s most dangerous infinity pool, the moment we discovered Devil’s Pool at Victoria Falls in Zambia we knew we had to swim in it! Devil’s Pool is a natural infinity pool perched 100 metres above Victoria Falls. When conditions allow, daredevils can actually swim in the pool and hang over the thundering Falls below.
Our trip to Devil’s Pool began at the stunning Royal Livingstone Hotel on the banks of the Zambezi River. From here, a quick speedboat trip took us to Livingstone Island in the middle of the river. After a pretty nervous swim across the open river we arrived at the iconic Devils Pool ready for our starring moment!
Getting into the Devils Pool wasn’t as scary as we expected. However, letting go of the rocks and allowing the water currents to push us across to the edge of Victoria Falls required some deep breathing and a leap of faith! Our hearts were beating wildly but we were in the safe hands of our guide, Alpha Omega, who was waiting with open arms to catch us. Soon we were clinging to the edge of Devil’s Pool with the thunderous Victoria Falls roaring below. It’s an experience we’ll never forget!
Submitted by: Elaine and David at Show Them The Globe
I dare you to…Dine in the Sky in Dubai
- Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker having Afternoon Tea In Dubai
- Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker having Dinner in the Sky in Dubai
When I saw an advertising for “Dinner in the Sky” for the first time, I immediately knew I had to do it. Though I am not really scared of heights, I am a bit nervous when I sit or walk somewhere and I am not fully secured. So, I knew this would be the perfect activity for me.
I did my dinner activity in Dubai – and dining in the sky means, you get to sit on a table which is lifted by a crane….In 50 meters height, your feet are hanging freely in the air and you sit on a chair, secured by a belt, while the dinner/lunch/afternoon tea is served.
The first few minutes were quite scary. I was holding my stuff very closely (by the way, I bought a neck holder for my mobile phone just for this activity) and was scared my cutlery (or even worse some of my food!) would fall down. Luckily, nothing like that happened. After we got used to dining in the sky, we actually were able to relax and enjoy the great views.
It is definitely a great experience and something I can recommend as it is a different kind of adventurous activity.
Submitted by: Arzo at Arzo Travels
I dare you to… to Naghol Land Dive

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker trending a Naghol Land Diving on Pentecost Island, Vanuatu
Naghol Land Diving is a unique tradition held on Pentecost Island, Vanuatu. It is regarded as the birthplace of modern day bungee jumping.
Watching a jump at the Land Diving is an intense moment where no one can be too sure of the outcome. The tribe chants loudly, stomping on the ground in a traditional dance. The jungle is filled with the sound of the performance, while all eyes are on the jumper waiting for an outcome.
A jumper ties vines to his legs, climbs a 30 meter tall wooden tower and jumps from the top. At the bottom of the tower, he hits the ground, narrowly missing serious injury and seemingly cheat death.
A jump takes about ten minutes to prepare, and only two seconds to complete, however the entire experience is incredible. It is really something you have to watch to appreciate.
Submitted by: Josh at The Lost Passport
I dare you to… Night Dive with Crocodiles?

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker with A baby crocodile in the water on a night dive
When I went to Tulum in Mexico I was excited about diving in the Cenotes. I had no idea I would get the chance to dive with crocodiles, especially not at night. It wasn’t my intention to do any life-endangering activities, but it was a kind of package deal and I couldn’t say no! On the evening of the dive I was terrified. I am afraid of the dark, and obviously afraid of crocodiles, and here I was, in the middle of a lake in the pitch dark with just me, my guide, and the crocodiles.
As it turned out, the crocs were keeping themselves to themselves. Hanging out on the surface of the lake minding their own business and hunting for smaller prey like frogs. We spotted a young crocodile which we could get close to, and later a larger female which we watched from below, keeping our distance so we didn’t disturb her. Being so close to a dangerous animal was thrilling, but also fascinating, just to watch her in the water before she disappeared with a flick of her long tail.
Submitted by: Claire at Tales of a Backpacker
I dare you to… Hike Mount Jorkanden

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Hiking up Mt. Jorkanden
The mighty Jorkanden is situated in the upper extremities of the Northern Himalayas and is around 6500 metres above
sea level.The peak has all the grandeur and characteristics to make it to the top ten peaks in the world.The peak
is mostly visible from Kalpa,a small subdivisional town in Kinnaur district.There are neighboring peaks surrounding
this mighty mountain giant and they can be seen and felt from Kinnaur district.
It is a tough task to climb this mountain giant and people have tried climbing its summit.The mountain giant looks
awesome at twilight and the best time to hike in the region would be in the months of
May and June where one can
see and witness the grandeur of the mighty Himalayas.
Submitted by: Somnath at Travel Crusade
I dare you to… Swim with Whale Sharks

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Swimming with whale sharks on the Ningaloo Reef
Submitted by: Kathy at 50 Shades of Age
I dare you to… ATV in Panama

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker ATVing in Bocas del Toro
Bocas del Toro in the Northeastern region of Panama is a national park region. Filled with gorgeous islands, spectacular coastlines and landscape. One of the most exciting ways to see this is on private land just outside of the city of Bocas and doing this on an ATV. The outfitter I opted for Flying Pirates. It is the best player and also has private land outside of the national park with trails that allow for ATV riding.
Once you get outside of their site, your pretty much on your own and following a variety of scenic and spectacular coastal trails with really amazing views and terrain. The trails are relatively easy with a few challenging rivers to cross. Of course, with no bridges, but you can travel at any speed you want or crank up all the way for some really wild rides. If your ever in Panama, definitely get to Bocas del Toro and do an ATV ride experience. You’ll always remember this cool and exciting place for the rest of your life.
Submitted by: Noel at Travel Photo Discovery
I dare you to… Hot Air Balloon in Egypt

Adventure Travel: Adventure seeker in a Hot Air Balloon over Egypt
The best way to see the area around Luxor in Egypt is from above – from a hot air balloon! This is an incredible experience you shouldn’t miss when visiting Egypt. The balloon takes off very early, right in time for sunrise. The views from above are incredible! Luxor is home to some of the most important archaeological sites and ruins of Egypt, such as the Hatshepsut Temple and the Valley of the Kings and Queens. Seeing these sites from above is breath taking. You’ll also see the contrast of the lush, green Nile area and the dry and dead Sahara Desert right next to it.
We’ve been in the air for around one hour, until we safely landed on the edge of the Sahara Desert. After doing a lot of research, I went with “Magic Horizon” and can recommend them – it’s been an unforgettable experience!
Submitted by: Patrick at German Backpacker
I dare you to… Paraglide over Turkey

Adventure Travel: Adventure Seeker Paragliding In Fethiye Turkey
I was always a fan of adventures while traveling – no matter if it’s sky diving, a long hike or paragliding. If you are into the latter one I can just highly recommend going to Fethiye in Turkey, which is the perfect location for it. For under 100 Euro you can enjoy beautiful views over the turquoise coasts for a fair price.
Actually I didn’t even plan to go paragliding. However, once you see all of them flying over you in the sky during sunset – you just have to. And my decision was absolutely worth it, as the views up there are simply insane.
Submitted by: Michael at MSCGerber
I dare you to… Sail Across the Oceans

Adventure Seekers: Sail across the oceans experiencing Adventure travel!
My husband and I sold all of our possessions in 2014 and took off on the biggest adventure of our lives. We are midway through a 6-year circumnavigation of the world on our sailboat, Starry Horizons. While we do have a background in boating, buying a boat and setting off to cross oceans was a stretch. We’ve got to be prepared for a lot of scenarios. We were crossing oceans and sailing 24/7 for weeks at a time. This allows us to spend time in remote locations, visiting local villages and trying to navigate different cultures.
In planning our trip, we’ve watched tons of videos and read lots of blogs. There are plenty of other people out doing this, which gives us a good foundation of resources. We both are licensed captains and attended offshore medicine classes to be prepared. Along the way, we’ve picked up a variety of skills, some fun and some purely practical. I’ve learned how to splice rope and sew. Together, we’ve become better divers and sailors. I’ve also taken up painting watercolors.
It may be out of most people’s comfort zones, but it’s also the adventure of a lifetime.
Submitted by: Amy at Out Chasing Stars
Sherrie Sums it upon Adventure Seekers:
We may have reached the end of this article but we ALL have not finished our adventure. As you have read, watched and viewed in this article; people from all over the world are adding adventure travel to their itineraries. It doesn’t matter your age. There will always be something for you to give a try. It may be a tiny bit or it can be an extreme out of your comfort zone. I hope this has swayed you to add a little adventure travel to your next travels.
Become an Adventure Seeker……….I DARE YOU!